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Beard Rash: A Four-Step Guide To Soothe and Prevent Future Breakouts

Beard Rash: A Four-Step Guide To Soothe and Prevent Future Breakouts

The best things in life take hard work and dedication to achieve — including an awesome beard. As you know, caring for your beard and skin takes hard work, patience, and a hard-hitting skincare routine.

Beard maintenance isn’t a one-and-done deal; you have to prepare your skin prior to shaving and trimming to avoid problems. However, that’s not all — you also need a post-shaving routine to keep your face as fresh as possible and avoid breakouts and beard rash.

Some might say that irritated skin from shaving can’t be avoided, but we at The Beard Club beg to differ. We have the right products and advice to get you through shaving, trimming, and maintaining a healthy beard without worrying about rashes, redness, itchiness, breakouts, razor bumps, or any other common beard care pitfalls. 

Let’s take a look at the steps for soothing and preventing beard rash: You’ll be bump-free and looking your best in no time.

What Causes Beard Rash?

Beard rash or burn can happen from time to time for many reasons. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term and its meaning, beard rash occurs when the skin under and around your facial hair becomes itchy and inflamed.

Itchy, red, and irritated skin — nobody wants that. Unfortunately, your beard area is extremely prone to rashes and breakouts if not taken care of properly. Whether it’s from the wrong skincare and beard care products, dry skin, or even bacteria, a beard rash is a common issue that most men encounter at some point.

The hairs on your head are different from the hairs on your face. Your facial hair is called androgenic hair, which is the thicker hair that grows during and after puberty. It’s also more prone to issues like rashes, ingrown hairs, and other problems. 

Because the hairs on your head and beard are distinct in texture and thickness, you’ll need to take a unique approach to maintain your facial hair to keep it rash-free. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide to beating beard rash once and for all.

How Do You Heal Beard Rash? 4 Steps for Success

Beard rash is something we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemies. It’s itchy, uncomfortable, and freaking annoying. Fortunately, though, there’s a remedy.

Let’s talk about how you can heal your skin and prevent future beard rashes:

No More Shaving

The first thing to do when you notice a beard rash coming on is to stop shaving.

You might feel the urge to purge your face of facial hair completely — but resist it! Shaving off all your facial hair won’t help as much as you might think. In fact, using your razor or trimmer can irritate your skin even more, which can make your beard rash even more severe.

Once the rash has been dashed, you can go back to working on perfecting your lines.

Moisturize Your Beard

Beard rashes can be caused by dry skin, so be sure to moisturize your skin and beard for extra hydration and protection.

Our Beard Cream is the perfect product to use in this tricky situation. Filled with nourishing ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil, this cream is a heaven-sent remedy for itchy, irritated skin in your beard area. Massage the cream right onto your beard and through to your skin for soothing relief.

You can either use the cream alone or pair it with one of our beard oils to boost hydration and maintain that softness for your skin to heal. Beard oil will not hydrate your skin but also tame and moisturize your beard — a win-win in our book.

The Sandalwood Beard Oil and Cedar Beard Oil are two excellent choices when you want a silky beard that’s free of itchiness and irritation. Combining beard cream and oil can help you banish beard rash ASAP, so make sure to apply these beard-saving products often.

Here’s a quick tip when it comes to products like beard cream and beard oil: a little goes a long way, so don’t lather it on. Make sure to use a tiny amount and add as you go if necessary. An excess amount of beard cream, oil, or any product for that matter, can lead to clogged pores. That means you might end up with a breakout on top of your pre-existing beard rash. That’s a big no thanks for us.

Cleanse Your Beard

We can’t stress enough how different the hairs on our heads are compared to the hair in our beards. That means you can’t just rub the same shampoo into your beard that you use on your head every day.

Cleaning your beard the right way is essential to avoid beard rash, and that means using specialized cleansing products. You’ll need a beard product that not only washes out your beard but doesn’t strip away oils and moisture. 

Look no further than our Beard Shampoo. Made with gentle, fragrant ingredients that contribute to hydrated skin and a super-smooth beard, this cleanser is a must-have product to include in your beard care regimen.

When All Else Fails, Try Medicated Treatments

Some rashes can go away with a little tender loving care, but others might call for bringing out the big guns. 

Over-the-counter topical creams may be the best option to consider if the problem persists for more than a few days. Remember to seek professional help from a doctor or dermatologist if the rash is spreading and worsening. 

How Do You Avoid Beard Rash?

As mentioned previously, there are a number of underlying causes that might lead to beard rash. That means you’ll need to make sure to cover all your bases by cleaning your grooming tools and following a consistent beard care routine.

Seriously, Clean Your Razor

Make sure you clean your razor before and after using it. Not only is it sanitary, but a clean blade aids in a close shave every time. Worth it.

A dull, dirty blade is the last thing you should put on your face. The bacteria can get stuck in between your pores after shaving, which can cause some serious skin irritation, beard rash, stinging, and unwanted razor bumps. All that razor gunk is also a common cause of zits. 

The best way to keep your razor blade as clean as possible is to use a designated towel for your razor and wipe it down thoroughly after each use. After a quick wipe-down, wash the blade with warm water to remove hair, shaving cream, and anything else left behind by shaving. 

Make sure the razor is completely dry before stowing it away. We suggest avoiding leaving it out in the open — exposure to moisture for a time can lead to a rusty blade and even mold growth.

Sterilizing your blade or razor every few days is another smart step to take if you’re dealing with chronic beard rash. Put your razor in a clean bowl filled with either rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, ensuring the razor head is completely submerged.

After soaking for about five to ten minutes, remove the razor blade and leave it out to air-dry. Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are ideal products to use for sterilizing because they will stop rust from forming while still getting you that thorough clean you want. Once the razor is dry, store it in a safe place to avoid any moisture retention.

The Beard Care Routine: Why You Can’t Skip It

The last advice we can give is the best advice: Come up with a beard care routine, stick to it, and be patient. After finding products to use on your face that will not cause your skin to react with irritation, pimples, razor bump breakouts, or itching, use them as a daily ritual.

This step takes a lot of trial and error, and there’s no one-size-fits-all way to do it. Everyone’s skin and facial hair are different, but figuring out what works best for you is worth it.

Below are some essential tips to remember when creating your own beard routine.

  • Remember to make sure to clean your tools before and after using them. A dirty razor is a recipe for a beard rash.
  • Wash your beard with beard shampoo to cleanse and soften your facial hair.
  • Shave or trim your face after a nice warm shower, as the water loosens the follicles of your facial hair and continues to moisturize your skin and beard.
  • Don’t overdo it with your creams, oils, and balms. As we said, a little goes a long way.

Beat Beard Rash for Good

A beard rash may be irritating, but it’s impossible to get rid of it quickly if you follow the steps you just read. 

Just remember to act as soon as you feel the irritation or see the redness. Using our Beard Shampoo, Beard Oil, and Beard Cream, you can handle the problem in no time at all! 



Androgens and Hair Growth | National Library of Medicine

Remedies To Relieve Razor Burn | WebMD

How to Clean Your Clippers, Razors and Electric Shavers | Gear Patrol

How to Stop Ruining Your Razor | Business Insider