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Walrus Mustache: How To Grow & Groom a Walrus Mustache

Walrus Mustache: How To Grow & Groom a Walrus Mustache

Dive headfirst into the bold world of walrus mustaches, a style that’s not just facial hair but a statement piece sitting right under your nose. Popular among icons of yesteryear and modern-day trendsetters alike, this mustache doesn’t whisper — it roars with character. 

Here at The Beard Club, we’re all about embracing the bravado that comes with a well-groomed ‘stache. Whether you’re aiming to channel your inner philosopher or add a vintage touch to your vibe, the walrus mustache is about letting your facial hair do the talking.

What Is a Walrus Mustache?

Imagine a mustache so full, it could easily hide a small bird — or at least a couple of crumbs. 

The walrus mustache is thick, bushy, and undeniably bold, often drooping over the lips and sometimes even mingling with the beard. It’s an old-school badge of honor that says you’ve got the patience to grow and the chops to maintain a mass of facial hair that commands attention.

Resembling the whiskers of its namesake, the marine mammal known for its impressive tusks and sizable mystacial vibrissae, this mustache style is perfect for those who aren’t afraid to sport a bit of rugged, unapologetic charm. As it dominates boardroom meetings or elevates your casual weekend wear, the walrus mustache rolls out a carpet of confidence wherever you go.

Why Choose a Walrus Mustache?

If the thought of sporting average mustache styles leaves you yawning, the walrus might be your ticket to stand out. This isn't about blending in — it's about making a bold, unabashed declaration of individuality. 

Here's why you might choose to let your upper lip go full walrus:

Make a Statement 

Few styles scream 'personality' quite like the walrus mustache. It’s for the man who is comfortable being the center of attention and whose facial hair is as commanding as his presence.

Vintage Charm

Channel the legendary looks of figures like Theodore Roosevelt or Friedrich Nietzsche. The walrus is a nod to a time when a mustache was a staple of a man’s character and style.

Minimal Upkeep

Once your walrus mustache reaches its full glory, it requires less day-to-day maintenance compared to a full beard. A little combing and some quality oil, like our Sandalwood Beard Oil, keep it looking shipshape.

Versatility in Styling

Whether you pair it with a clean-shaven face or a full beard, the walrus mustache integrates smoothly with various facial hair styles, making it both versatile and a practical choice for any man.

Opting for a walrus mustache is about stepping up with a style that’s as fearless as it is timeless. It’s for the man who respects the classics but isn’t afraid to make them his own. Ready to let your upper lip lead the way? The walrus is waiting.

How Long Does It Take To Grow a Walrus Mustache?

Typically, growing a walrus mustache is a marathon, not a sprint. Depending on your natural hair growth rate and thickness, you can expect to spend about three to six months letting those whiskers flourish. During this time, your facial hair will go through various stages — from awkward stubble to that somewhat unruly in-between phase. 

Remember, though, that every man’s facial hair grows at its own pace, and factors like genetics, diet, and overall health significantly affect how quickly your mustache fills in.

What Are the Steps to Growing a Walrus Mustache?

Ready to take on the walrus? Here’s how to set yourself up for success:

Let It Grow

This first step is all about resisting the urge to trim. Give your mustache the freedom to grow wildly for about three months. This initial beard growth stage is crucial for achieving the volume and length needed for a true walrus.

Care and Nourish

As your mustache grows, keeping it healthy is key. Invest in a good-quality beard oil — like our Beard Growth Oil — to keep the skin underneath moisturized and the hair itself soft and manageable. A healthy growth environment means a healthier, fuller mustache.

Trim for Shape, Not Size

Once you've let your mustache grow out, it’s time to start shaping it without cutting too much off. Use a high-precision trimmer, such as our handy-dandy PT45 electric beard trimmer, to lightly shape the edges and keep your mustache looking intentional rather than neglected.

Train Your Whiskers

Training your mustache can help you manage its style as it grows. Use a small amount of our Beard Balm to coax your whiskers to either side or downwards over your lip. Regular combing also helps direct the growth and keep your mustache neat.

Regular Maintenance

As your walrus mustache begins to take form, regular maintenance is key. This includes washing with a gentle beard shampoo and conditioner and applying oil or balm daily. This routine keeps your mustache looking great and ensures it remains healthy and well-groomed.

Stay Consistent

The most important part of growing a walrus mustache is consistency in care and patience. Stick with your beard grooming routine and give your mustache the time it needs to become the bold statement you desire.

How Do You Keep a Walrus Mustache in Top Form?

So you've navigated the hairy journey of growing a walrus mustache and emerged victorious — what's next? This majestic facial feature requires the right kind of pampering to keep it looking sharp and dignified. 

Here are some top-notch tips to ensure your walrus mustache remains the envy of the room, without ever crossing into the wild territory.

Comb Regularly

Keep a fine-toothed comb handy. A daily comb-through with our mustache comb helps prevent tangles and keeps your mustache neat. It also trains the hair to grow in the desired direction, which is crucial for that classic walrus droop.

Wash with Care

Use our Beard Shampoo a couple of times weekly to cleanse without stripping natural oils. It's not just about cleanliness; it’s about maintaining the health of both hair and the skin beneath.

Dry Properly

After washing, gently pat your mustache dry with a soft towel. Avoid vigorous rubbing to prevent breakage and split ends in your facial hair. A little care here goes a long way in maintaining your walrus's full, lush appearance.

Trim Smart

Even a style known for its bulk needs a trim now and then to remove split ends and keep the shape defined. Focus on minimal trims, merely cleaning up the edges to preserve its majestic length and volume.

Apply Mustache Wax

For extra hold and style, especially in keeping your mustache out of your mouth, a dab of our Mustache Wax can be invaluable. It helps style and hold the hair in place, perfect for achieving a polished look.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration affects hair growth and quality. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin and mustache, supporting healthy hair growth.

The Wrap Up

Congrats — you’ve now mastered the art of growing and grooming a statement piece that speaks volumes about your style and sets you apart from the crowd. At The Beard Club, we celebrate the bold who dare to wear their facial hair with pride and sophistication.

Now that you’re equipped with the know-how, why stop here? Explore our range of men's grooming essentials designed to elevate your style game from great to legendary. Whether you're perfecting your walrus or contemplating your next facial hair feat, we've got everything you need to keep looking sharp and manly. 

Join the club, and let's keep that face foliage in top form.


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