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Why Do My Armpits Smell Even With Deodorant?

Why Do My Armpits Smell Even With Deodorant?

You’ve followed your morning routine to the letter, conquered your workout at the gym, and given your underarms a generous swipe of deodorant, but somehow, halfway through the day, you're catching a whiff of something not so great. 

So, what’s the deal?

Just like maintaining an incredible beard, keeping your pits fresh requires some know-how and the right approach. We’re here to break down the science, dispel some myths, and share practical tips to help you stay fresh all day. Let’s get into it.

What Should You Know About Body Odor?

First things first, let’s talk about what causes body odor in the first place. It’s not just about sweat. It’s about the combination of sweat and the bacteria that naturally live on your skin. Sweat itself is pretty much odorless, but when it mingles with these bacteria, it can produce those unpleasant smells that nobody wants.

There are two main types of sweat glands you need to know about: eccrine and apocrine. 

Eccrine glands are all over your body and produce a watery sweat that helps cool you down. Apocrine glands, however, are found in areas like your armpits and groin and produce a thicker, milkier sweat. This type of sweat is rich in proteins and fats, which bacteria love to munch on, leading to stronger smells — bad ones.

Why Might Deodorant Not Be Enough?

You’re using deodorant, but it’s not cutting it. Why? There could be several reasons:

Ineffective Formula

Not all deodorants are created equal. Some might not be strong enough to tackle your specific body chemistry. If you’re sweating buckets or have particularly pungent bacteria, you might need something more… potent.

Incorrect Application

Applying deodorant to dirty or sweaty skin is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound — it’s not going to work. To get the best results, make sure you’re applying it to clean, dry skin.

Diet and Lifestyle

What you put into your body can come out in your sweat. Spicy foods, alcohol, and certain medications can all contribute to stronger odors. It might be time to reassess if you’re hitting the wings and beer hard.

Bacterial Imbalance

Sometimes, the natural balance of bacteria on your skin can shift, producing more odor. This could be a big factor if you’ve recently changed your routine or environment.

Can Your Clothes Make Body Odor Worse?

Believe it or not, the clothes you wear can significantly impact how much you sweat (and smell). Different fabrics interact with your skin and sweat in multiple ways. Here’s what you need to need to know:

Natural Fibers

Fabrics like cotton, linen, and bamboo are breathable and allow air to circulate near your skin. This helps keep you cooler and reduces sweat buildup. Natural fibers also tend to absorb moisture better than synthetic ones, which can help keep you drier for longer.

Moisture-Wicking Fabrics

If you’re active or sweat a lot, consider moisture-wicking fabrics like those used in athletic wear. These materials are designed to pull moisture away from your skin and allow it to evaporate quickly, keeping you dry and reducing the chance of odor.

Avoid Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon can trap heat and moisture, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. If you’re prone to sweating, try to avoid these fabrics, especially in areas like your underarms.

Wear Layers

In colder weather, wearing multiple thin layers can help regulate your body temperature better than one thick layer. This way, you can remove a layer if you start to feel too warm, reducing the amount of sweat you produce.

Change Clothes Regularly

If you’re sweating a lot, change into fresh clothes regularly. This can help prevent bacteria from building up on your skin and causing odor.

Care for Your Clothes

Properly caring for your clothes can also make a difference. Wash them regularly using a good detergent and, if possible, add a bit of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help eliminate any lingering odors.

How To Smell Fresh All Day

Here are some practical, no-nonsense tips to help you stay fresh and odor-free from sunrise to sunset:

Choose the Right Product

If your current deodorant isn’t cutting it, it’s time to upgrade. Look for a stronger deodorant with more effective antibacterial ingredients. Sometimes, you need to bring out the big guns. 

Stay Clean

Shower regularly, especially after working up a sweat. Make sure you’re thoroughly washing your underarms with a good body wash for men. Don’t skimp on this step!

Dry Off Well

Bacteria thrive in moist environments, so make sure your underarms are completely dry after washing. Take an extra minute to dry off properly.

Watch Your Diet

Be mindful of what you eat. Foods like garlic, onions, and spicy dishes can contribute to body odor. A clean diet can lead to a cleaner smell.

What Other Hygiene Products Can Help You Smell Your Best?

Your grooming routine plays a huge role in managing body odor. It’s not just about the deodorant you choose but also the other products you use daily. Here are some additional products that can help you stay fresh:

Antibacterial Soaps

These soaps can help reduce the number of bacteria on your skin, reducing odor. Look for products specifically labeled as antibacterial and use them in your daily shower routine.

Body Wipes

On those days when you can’t squeeze in a shower, body wipes can be a lifesaver. They’re perfect for a quick freshen-up after a workout or long day. Make sure to choose wipes that are gentle on the skin and contain antibacterial ingredients.


Body powders can help absorb excess moisture and reduce friction, leading to odor. Look for powders with ingredients like talc or cornstarch, and apply them to your underarms after showering.

What Are Some Myths About Body Odor and Deodorant?

There are plenty of myths out there about body odor and deodorant. Let’s debunk a few of the most common ones:

Myth: Natural Deodorants Don’t Work

Many people believe that natural deodorants aren’t as effective as their chemical counterparts. However, natural deodorants can be super effective if you find the right one for your body. Ingredients like baking soda, magnesium, and essential oils can do wonders for keeping odor at bay.

Myth: Sweating Causes Body Odor

Sweat itself doesn’t cause body odor — it’s the bacteria on your skin breaking down the sweat that leads to odor. This is why antibacterial products can be so effective.

Myth: You Should Switch Deodorants Regularly

Some people believe your body can get used to a deodorant, making it less effective over time. While it’s good to switch products if one isn’t working, there’s no evidence that your body builds a tolerance to deodorant.

How To Deal With Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a condition that affects countless men and can be a major cause of body odor. If you’re dealing with this issue, here are some tips:

Clinical-Strength Antiperspirants

These products are stronger than regular antiperspirants and can help control excessive sweating. Look for them in the pharmacy section of your local store.

Prescription Treatments

If over-the-counter products aren’t enough, discuss prescription options with your doctor. These can include stronger antiperspirants, medications that reduce sweating, or even Botox injections, which can temporarily block the nerves that cause sweating.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Wearing loose, breathable clothing and avoiding triggers like spicy foods and caffeine can help manage symptoms.

Professional Treatments

In severe cases, procedures like iontophoresis (a treatment that uses electrical currents to reduce sweating) or surgery to remove sweat glands might be options to consider.

Embracing Your Natural Scent

Finally, it’s important to remember that everyone has a natural scent, and it’s not something to be ashamed of. While staying fresh and managing body odor is great, don’t stress too much about being completely odor-free. Embrace your natural scent as part of who you are. Confidence is key, and when you feel good about yourself, it shows.

When To See a Doctor About Body Odor

If you’ve tried multiple solutions and still struggle with persistent body odor, it might be time to visit your doctor. Hyperhidrosis and infections can cause ongoing issues that need medical attention. Make sure to get professional advice if you’re feeling stuck.

Stop the Stink With The Beard Club

By choosing the right products and maintaining good hygiene, you can stay confident — and smell confident — throughout the day. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your body. Don’t forget to keep the rest of the hair on your body fresh, especially your beard.


Anatomy, Skin Sweat Glands - StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

Iontophoresis - International Hyperhidrosis Society | Official Site

Hyperhidrosis - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic