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How To Grow a Thicker Beard: 9 Proven Ways to a Fuller Beard

How To Grow a Thicker Beard: 9 Proven Ways to a Fuller Beard

Historians say that in prehistoric times, men grew beards to intimidate others or help stay warm during the Paleolithic winter. In modern times, we use facial hair for the sake of style. For some, growing a beard is a breeze, while for others, it can be more challenging.

There are many ways to grow a thicker beard, but none of them can stand on their own. From taking care of your skin, hair follicles, and hair growth to working on a healthy diet, exercising, and taking supplements, growing a thicker beard is a whole-body approach.

Facial hair growth varies from person to person. If you draw the short end of the stick of genes, you might end up with a patchy beard. However, even those with the patchiest of necklines can learn how to grow a thicker beard. 

So, why grow a thicker beard? Well, history books and stories around the world are riddled with great men that sported fantastic facial hair. From Abe Lincoln to Leonardo da Vinci to Gandalf to Santa Claus to the manliest of men: Chuck Norris, bearded men are legendary. Joining the ranks of these greats is easier than ever with modern beard technology.

Plus, if you’re feeling like your overall look is lacking, growing a beard might solve that problem. There are many styles that go extremely well with thicker hair on your face and neck. Who knows? Growing a beard may just open a whole new world of possibilities.

Let’s look at some ways to grow fuller facial hair:

The Path to an Epic Beard Starts Here

The time has come to help your beard look thicker, sexier, and manlier than ever. These opinions are tried-and-true methods passed down through the centuries. Today we pass them to you — so make good use of them.

1. Be Patient

Before we look at specific applicable practices, we need to drive this point home: none of the following will work without patience. Patience breeds routine and consistency, which are essential when growing a thicker, fuller beard.

Hair takes a long time to grow, so you might as well do things right. There may not be results overnight, but you will be thankful months from now when you see the rich fruits of your labor.

2. Keep Stress to a Minimum

Stress reduces your testosterone levels and can impact a stache more than genes ever could. 

When stress triggers and releases cortisol, your blood flow lowers, potentially affecting your beard hairs. If your blood can’t carry nutrients to the hair follicles in your beard, then beard growth will take a turn for the worst.

Living a low-stress life is generally better for you anyways, so you’re not sacrificing anything here — except the things that stress you out. 

What makes you happy? What helps you decompress? The activities that pop into your head in response to these questions are the keys to reducing those stress levels and living your best life. 

A little stress is fine — in fact, it’s necessary. Just keep things in check if you want that magnificent beard!

3. Get More Sleep

Getting enough sleep is too important to neglect. We need rest and relaxation because, without them, our bodies cease to function like they’re supposed to. Also because sleep deprivation over just 48 hours can decrease beard growth by 19 percent

This tip is another essential aspect of the whole-body approach. Get those seven to nine hours of sleep, and your beard will thank you.

4. Stay Hydrated

We all know that humans need water to survive, but did you know your H20 intake affects your facial hair growth rate?

Hydration also keeps your skin soft and supple. When skin gets dry, it flakes and itches and can mess up your beard growth progress. The typical recommendation is that men shoulddrink close to four liters of water a day. So, when in doubt, keep a jug of agua by you at all times.

5. Eat Healthy

If you’re serious about taking care of your beard, then we assume you’re serious about taking care of the rest of your body. 

The nutrients your body and beard need aren’t going to come from a donut breakfast, greasy lunch, and the classic “brown dinner.” That’s not going to cut it, so it’s time to cut some things out.

With a near-infinite amount of information on the internet these days, it’s easy to find healthy alternatives to all your favorite junk foods. We don’t need to go into detail on this, but it’s time to put down the potato chips and grab some carrots and hummus instead.

Your healthier meals don’t need to lack flavor — start investing in seasonings and delicious meals. We’re talking fatty fish like salmon and tuna, delicious fruits like clementines, and lean proteins like eggs and chicken. 

Opt for flavorful, nutrient-dense meals that are rich in vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Biotin is also going to be an essential part of your diet as this helps regulate the production of collagen protein, which provides structure to your hair, skin, and nails.

6. Take Beard Growing Supplements

In addition to a well-balanced diet, consider starting to take a multivitamin.

A high-quality multivitamin ensures you’re getting the essential vitamins you need for your beard to grow thick and full. Some vital minerals for a healthy beard include vitamin A, Vitamin B12, biotin, and zinc (and more). For all of these and more, the Beard Growth Vitamins are full of essential vitamins and nutrients aimed at hair growth, follicle strength, and thicker hair. 

Grow baby grow. Shop Now!

7. Exercise More Often

Maybe it’s your New Year’s resolution every year. Maybe it used to be a regular part of your routine but faded away as the years went by. 

Whatever your reason for not working out, it’s time to incorporate this healthy habit into your schedule and use all the nutrients you stored up in the previous steps.

The main benefit of exercising that helps your beard grow is increasing blood circulation. More blood flow means more nutrients traveling throughout your body — which hopefully translates to better hair. The boost to testosterone levels is essential for beard growth, too.

8. Keep Up With Your Skincare Routine

Dry skin is harmful not only to beard growth but also to your beard’s appearance. 

Dandruff, the buildup of dead skin cells in your hair and beard, can clog pores and get annoying fast. Facial cleansers are available in ample supply, so find one that works for you and then lightly scrub your face in circular motions morning and night. 

A proper facial cleaning flushes your face when it causes more blood flow. After washing your face, moisturizing your skin is paramount; otherwise, all your scrubbing is a waste.

9. Trim, Don’t Shave

Now that you have a healthy mind, a healthy body, and healthy skin, it’s time to decide what to do once that full beard starts coming in.

There are many rumors out there that imply shaving is a way to promote hair growth. This is false. You’re not going to magically start seeing increased beard thickness because you shaved the whole thing off. We want to drive this point home to save you some heartache and grief. Don’t shave.

All the other steps we mentioned will help promote that fuller beard you’ve always wanted. After practicing the patience needed and seeing results, this question comes into play: How do you style your manly, new beard?

There are all sorts of beard styles and face shapes that affect this procedure, so every man has to learn what works best for them. We suggest having the proper tools on hand. A beard trimmer, beard brush, beard comb, and beard balm are all critical for styling your beard and can help you shape and groom your beard to your heart’s content.

In addition, a proper trim that goes well with your face shape can make your beard look thicker and fuller than it is. Sometimes, all you need to transform your look is a quick redefinition of your beard’s angles and a sweep to get rid of flyaway hairs. 

Once again: Don’t shave it. That is not the way to a thick beard.

The Best Beards Get the Best Beard Products

Sometimes, even if you don’t have a great beard quite yet, you can get yourself one pretty easily by using the right products. And good news for you, we have tons of different options for you to amplify your look.

Beard Shampoo and Beard Wash

You wouldn’t put regular soap all over the hair on your head, so be sure that you aren’t using regular soap for the hair on your face. A targeted beard shampoo and facial wash like the  Beard & Face Wash is made with your beard and skin in mind. These are specifically designed to clean those little hairs properly. 

The frequency that you need to wash your beard is completely dependent on factors like your beard type and what your beard is frequently exposed to on a daily basis. In general, the longer your beard, the more often it needs to be washed.

Beard and Scruff Cream

After the cleansing and moisturizing of the face comes the moisturizing of the beard. That cleanser strips away oils in your beard, so they need to be replaced. This helps prevent things like beard dandruff (beardruff for short), beard itch, and other frustrating byproducts of having dry facial hair. This prevents itchiness, frizziness, and dryness.

Fight the itch with this Beard and Scruff Cream because dry skin is no one’s friend. 

Beard Oil

Once your face is nice and clean, it’s time for beard oil. Beard Growth Oil helps to stimulate the hair follicles underneath your beard for full, even growth. This should give you the best chance to style and manicure your beard as you wish.

If you’d rather focus on a moisturizing shine, try the Sandalwood Beard Oil for the “just got off my surfboard” feeling powered by ingredients like nourishing sunflower oil, castor oil, notes of citrus, and more. 

A little goes a long way with beard oil. After applying the oil, brush your beard — it’s not only your hair that needs the love. A beard brush is essential to evenly disperse the oil throughout your beard. The oil protects your facial hair by locking in moisture. As an added bonus, our beard oil offerings have invigorating scents that make your face extra kissable.

Derma Roller

Finally, if you’re looking for an additional habit to add to your beard care routine, look no further than a derma roller. This tool is another high-quality beard product that uses tiny needles to stimulate beard growth.

These .3mm needles trigger nutrient-rich blood and collagen-rich tissue to prime each hair follicle for optimum beard and facial hair growth. It’s almost like Miracle-Gro for your face. You can really enhance the benefits of a derma roller by pairing it with beard vitamins, which offer essential nutrients to make your body and face look their best.


Now that we’ve covered everything you need to know to grow fuller facial hair. 

That thicker beard is just a little bit of patience and consistency away, so don’t give up until you have given all these steps the attention they deserve! What’s more, make sure to equip yourself with the right tools for the job.

Today, we discussed taking care of your mind, your body, your skin, and your facial hair strands. You can do this by calming your mind, prioritizing diet and exercise, cleansing and moisturizing, and diligently using those beard care products. 

When you wake up one day more confident than ever with your thick, full beard, remember that with a great beard comes great responsibility. 

You’ve been given beard care secrets that have stood the test of time. Now it’s your turn to help those in need and spread these beard truths! We hope this guide works for you and that you obtain the beard you’ve always wanted.


A Short History of Beard Styles | History Cooperative

Salivary Testosterone Levels Under Psychological Stress and Its Relationship with Rumination and Five Personality Traits in Medical Students | PMC

​​Can the Amount of Water You Drink Affect Hair Loss and Growth? | MedicineNet

Water: How much should you drink every day? | Mayo Clinic

Sleep deprivation decreases the beard-hair growth in man | NCBI