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Men’s Skin Care: How To Properly Wash Your Face

Men’s Skin Care: How To Properly Wash Your Face

A lot of men don’t give much thought to skincare routines because they probably believe the adage that a real man can clean his face just by grabbing a dirty towel off the street and wiping it off with it. This sentiment is clearly meant to be hyperbole, but as funny as it is, its message holds no truth whatsoever. 

Men need to wash their faces. It is something that can be done quickly and without much consideration; however, certain steps should be taken to ensure that their money-maker is well taken care of. This is especially important when you are rocking facial hair.

Washing your face removes dirt and oil from your skin and helps keep your pores clear, and prevents breakouts. Approaching a skincare routine hastily and improperly can lead to skin irritation and other problems. 

Avoid breakouts and other skin problems by making this your newest resolution. Additional benefits include reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging, improving your skin’s overall appearance, removing dead skin cells, and promoting cell renewal. Acne breakouts can be a thing of the past.

We should note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to face-washing. Different skin types will require different products and techniques. However, there are a few basic steps that should be taken by all men when washing their faces, which we will explain in depth.

Today is the day you embrace a cleansing routine and get the healthy skin you’ve always wanted. We will look at prepping, washing, rinsing, drying, and moisturizing so that you have an idea of how to keep a clean face without inviting dry skin.

Proper Skincare Routine Guide

The American Academy of Dermatology Association (an organization of board-certified dermatologists) suggests that simply washing your face can impact your appearance and that a gentle approach is the best approach. When washing your face, the secret to success is to be effective yet careful, especially considering the fact that the majority of your body’s senses originate on or near your face.


Stocking up on the ideal tools for the job is everything, so as we lay out what’s essential for this skincare routine, ensure you have all you need. If you’re missing any skincare products, then don’t wait: order them! The build-up in your pores and general oily skin isn’t going to clean itself.

A skincare regimen is all about the details. Little things go a long way, but don’t get too caught up in the weeds, or it may become overwhelming. A good balance is a daily cleanse.


Selecting the optimal face wash for your skin type is priority number one. If you have dry or sensitive skin, look for a gentle, non-foaming cleanser that won't rob your skin of its natural oils. 

For those with oily or acne-prone skin, consider a cleanser with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which can help to reduce oil production and prevent breakouts. Avoid using soap on your face, as it can be harsh and overly drying to the skin. It's wise to check with your dermatologist first since these ingredients can be powerful. Also, sunscreen is key here (as always). 

First, splash your face with lukewarm water. This helps to soften the skin, preparing it for cleansing. Then, when you do lather on the facial cleanser, avoid scrubbing your face too hard, as this can irritate your skin and cause redness, flakiness, and other problems. Instead, use your fingers to gently massage the cleanser into your skin, using circular motions. 

The T-Zone is the section of your face that can get the oiliest. It includes the forehead, nose, and chin. While cleaning, be sure to focus on these areas… without overdoing it, of course. We know you’re manly men, and you just had a protein shake, but remember, being gentle is essential. The ultimate gentle way of wiping your face clean is with something like a makeup remover. 

Regular exfoliation during the washing process removes dead skin cells, sends grime running, and unclogs pores, which can prevent breakouts and improve the overall appearance of your skin. Make sure to do this gently yet thoroughly.


After massaging the gentle cleanser into your skin, rinse it all off with lukewarm water or even warm water. This should help remove dirt extracted from your pores. A double-cleansing may even be necessary if you feel you didn’t clean it well enough. (For example, if you just finished a 10k mud run, your skin might need more assistance than usual.)

Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils and is one of the main causes of dryness and irritation along with hot environments and overwashing with face cleanser, so double-check the water temperature before splashing it onto your face.

After rinsing with lukewarm or warm water, rinse a second time with cold water. Cold water restricts blood flow to the skin and closes pores. This is helpful so that your skin doesn’t start collecting dirt or oil so easily.


Once you've rinsed your face, pat dry your face with a clean towel. Don’t rub your skin too hard. It’s the same as the washing step in that regard. If you’re too rough, then not only will your skin get irritated, but it could dry out.

Use a soft towel, a clean towel. Not your bath towel, not a cleaning towel, not a washcloth you’ve used all week — even if it’s the one you’ve been using for your face only. While grabbing whatever is available is easier, going the extra mile for a clean towel can drastically change the outcome of all your hard work.


Toner removes any remaining impurities that escape the washing, rinsing, and drying; it also balances the pH of your skin. It does the latter through antioxidants, glycerin, and anti-inflammatories and prepares your skin for the next step in your skincare routine, which is moisturizing. 

Applying toner is fun and easy. Simply dampen a cotton pad with the product and swipe it over your face, avoiding the eye area.


After applying the toner, it's time to moisturize. A moisturized face is a happy face, so don’t skimp. Moisturizer helps to hydrate your skin and keep it looking healthy and youthful. The reason we moisturize is that we need to replace the oils we lost from cleansing, rinsing, drying, and toning.

It's vital for men to moisturize, as their skin tends to be thicker and produce more oil than women’s. Choose a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type, and that preferably does not have any alcohol in it.

Apply it to your face and neck, using upward and outward strokes starting at your jawline so that you don’t miss any spots. Sunscreen is great to wear as well.

What About Beards?

If you have facial hair, the preparatory stage is a good chance to get your beard, mustache, or sideburns in order. Trim them, shave them, or do whatever it is you need to do so that you have the best possible access to your face as is allowed by your style.

Washing your face and beard should be a daily occurrence, or at least one taking place several times a week. The Beard Club’s Beard & Face Wash is perfect if you’re also dealing with facial hair. 

After moisturizing your skin, grab your Beard Growth Oil and spread it throughout your beard. Cleanser strips not only moisture from your skin but your facial hair as well. A Boar Bristle Beard Brush can help spread it evenly throughout.


By choosing the right products, being gentle, and following the right steps, you can keep your skin looking healthy. Listening to and heeding the steps that we laid out will help ensure that your face is clean, healthy, shining, and properly protected. 


Face washing 101 | AAD

Skin Goals: What is My Skin Type? | Skinworks School of Advanced Skincare

Dry skin - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

What's so Important About Skin pH? | Healthline

Oily Skin: Causes and Treatments | Verywell Health