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Top Foods and Essential Vitamins that Boost Beard Growth

Top Foods and Essential Vitamins that Boost Beard Growth

You can clean and pamper your beard all you like, but no matter how active a role you take, a big part of your facial hair's growth is regulated by a few male hormones. Some of those you've definitely heard of, like testosterone, while others tend to be a bit more obscure (for example, DHT). While these invisible chemical couriers are largely determined by factors beyond your control, like genetics, you can still help shape the impact they have on your beard by tending to your overall health—beginning with your diet.

Eating foods containing certain vitamins can give your beard a big boost. Many vitamins can help stimulate key hormones and increase your beard's growth along with its overall health. In fact, a proper diet is probably the most effective way to stimulate growth naturally. Not to mention the fact that that it boosts your overall health in the process.  

Foods that stimulate your beard should do the following:

  • Increase your testosterone levels;
  • Contain the vitamins necessary to strengthen hair;
  • Stimulate your testosterone and DHT levels and make them more active.

A new look at nutrition

vegetables, fruits, and nuts on the table

Nutrient deficiencies can play a major part the healthy appearance of your hair and skin. Even if you’ve always been predisposed to a patchy beard and brittle hair, there's still hope for you. The Beard Club's Growth Oil and Beard Growth Vitamin supplements will go a long way toward helping upgrade your beard, but you shouldn’t dismiss the tremendous benefits of maintaining a great diet, either.

If you're serious about boosting your beard, you should make an effort to to incorporate the following staple foods into your daily routine.

Spinach, for starters, provides an amazing natural source for iron. It can help stimulate the production of sebum, the oils responsible for keeping your hair soft and glossy. Spinach also comes jam-packed with omega-3 acids, potassium, and calcium. It's been classified as a superfood because it contributes so immensely to your overall health.

But you shouldn't just stop with impersonating Popeye. A good diet consists of a balanced mixture of just the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and essential fats. Fill your plate about halfway with greens at each meal, pairing a great protein source with fruits and vegetables of your choosing. Use seasonings and oils to supply the healthy fats your body requires.

Keep in mind a few other guiding principles as you create your meals. For one thing, try to avoid foods that contain added sugar. As a simple carbohydrate, sugar converts quickly into stored body fat—it's bad for your weight, and sustained high blood sugar levels will eventually lead to diabetes. Unfortunately, your body is wired to crave sugar, which makes it highly addictive.

Vegetables, fruits, and nuts on table

Alphabet vitamins for vitality

These vitamins boost immunity and can be found in a variety of healthy foods. You'll also find them in our beard growth accelerator products, along with tons of other nutrients that have been scientifically demonstrated to stimulate hair growth (and your overall well-being).

Vitamin A

Like iron, Vitamin A aids in sebum production. It keeps our hair and bodies moisturized, and our beard flowing with healthy oils. Our Beard Oils can do plenty to help on this front, but a healthy beard begins with the oils your body creates on its own.  As our beards grow longer, our facial hair requires more TLC—but the more healthy natural growth you can support your beard with, the better your whiskers will look all around. To elevate your Vitamin A intake, you'll want to add more fish, cheeses, and eggs to your diet.  

Vitamin B

Technically, this is a complex consisting of several different vitamins. The most important one for your beard, however, is biotin. If you develop a biotin deficiency, you’ll find you'll have a much harder time growing out your beard. Luckily, you can boost your body's biotin levels pretty easily—for example, a handful of almonds is totally packed with Vitamin B complexes.

Vitamin C

This absolutely essential vitamin is a real team player, allowing you to absorb iron more efficiently. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that helps you produce collagen, a critical part of maintaining healthy, hydrated skin. And if your skin isn't in good shape, the beard growing out of it will turn out to be pretty sickly, too.

Vitamin D

This is an essential asset for strengthening and maintaining healthy bones. But if you develop a Vitamin D deficiency, you're likely to experience hair loss—precisely what you don't want to deal with if you're trying to grow or maintain a beard. This vitamin might be the easiest to replenish, though, at least in the summer—you can get a healthy dose of it simply by absorbing sunlight. And here you thought that was just for plants! You'll also find it in popular fish like tuna and salmon, too.

Ultimately, growing and maintaining a healthy beard goes hand-in-hand with maintaining your overall health. It definitely requires work and commitment, but don't be intimidated—it doesn't have to be difficult. Once you begin to make these beneficial changes in your dietary habits, they'll become a natural part of your routine. Before you know it, you'll feel better, look better, and have one heck of a beard to boot.